Multiple game boxes for the same game

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For various reasons some 18xx games have multiple game boxes on BOARD18.
This page is an attempt to assist players to select the correct game box.
It does this by describing the differences between these game boxes.

Game box disambiguation table
Game Box Version Disambiguation Comment
1830 REP02 Base 1830 game
1830CR REP02 This game box is for the Coalfields-Reading variant
1844 ORG01 This 1844 game box is for the original or standard 1844
1844 PAZ01 This 1844 game box is for Paul's modified rules
1850 REP01 Limited number of plain yellow tiles
1850 UL01 Unlimited number of plain yellow tiles
1854 ORG01 This game box has the tile sets as originally supplied by O-O
1854 NEW01 This game box has the tile sets in the Mayfair version of the game
1870 REP03 Limited number of plain yellow tiles
1870 UL01 Unlimited number of plain yellow tiles
18KCS REP02 Limited number of plain yellow tiles
18KCS UL01 Unlimited number of plain yellow tiles
18MEX PAZ01 Base 18MEX game
18MEX PAZ02 This version of 18MEX supports the Baja variant
18OE JB01 Base 18OE game
18OE JB02 This game box has an added tray containing scenario specific tiles
18QQ REP02 Limited number of plain yellow tiles
18QQ UL01 Unlimited number of plain yellow tiles
FourthAge JCR02 Limited number of plain yellow tiles
FourthAge UL01 Unlimited number of plain yellow tiles