BID18xx Player's Guide
BID18xx is a utility for certain play by email 18xx games.
This utility moderates the hidden bids that are used to
determine player order in games such as 18FL and version 1 of 18West.
It was written to be used with BOARD18 but it should be
usable with any Play By Email game system that supports 18xx games.
The BOARD18 project does not currently support a BID18xx web site.
The Bid ID
Each bid session is assigned a Bid ID when it is started on the Start New Player Order Bid Session page.
This Bid ID will be displayed on every email and every page produced by BID18xx.
The Game Name
At the start of each bid session you will be asked to enter a Game Name on the Start New Player Order Bid Session page.
This Game Name is only used by BID18xx and is separate from the BOARD18 game name. But you are encouraged to use the same name in both places.
How To Start A Bid Session
There are two ways to kickoff a bid session:
- If you are using BOARD18 to play 18FL then you can go to the map or market page and use MENU/Help/BID18xx.
- If not then, on your browser address bar, type
This will display the Welcome To BID18xx page.
Please read all of the instructions on that page.
Then select the number of players and press the Start the bid setup button.
Please be careful to have only one player start the bid session.
Having more than one bid session active for the same game could be very confusing!
How To Setup A Bid Session
You should now see the Start New 18xx Player Order Bid Session page.
A scaled down example of this page, for a 3 player game, is shown to the right.
Enter the player names and the player email addresses on the page.
The order in which the players are entered here will be used to break ties in the bidding.
You can use the list randomizer at to determine this order.
And finally, press the Process Form button.
The BID18xx will now send a Bid Request email to each player.
Each player should click on the link in this email to be directed to the Bid Request page.
A scaled down example of this page, for a 3 player game, is shown to the right.
When all players have submitted their bids the results will be published via a second email.