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The board18Boxes script contains all of the js functions for the board18Boxes page.

Function listReturn(response)

Function listReturn is the success callback function for the ajax boxShow.php call. It appends a list if boxes to the table in board18Boxes.php.

Function doPageList()

The doPageList function performs an AJAX call to the boxShow.php function.

Function doPageLinks()

Function doPageLinks creates page links for multi page box list output.

Function boxGames()

Function boxGames uses the object to append a list of games associated with the box to the space under the box dialog in the board18Boxes page if the box is associated with one or more games.

Function paintBox()

Function paintBox uses the object to create a table of information about a box, to create and display a box dialog and then calls the boxGames function.

Function getReturn(response)

Function getReturn is the success callback function for the ajax boxGet.php call. It initializes the object and then it uses the paintBox() function to open the box dialog and to append a list if games to the space under the box dialog in the board18Boxes page.

Function boxResult(response)

Function boxResult is the success callback function for the ajax boxUpdate.php call. It processes the response from boxUpdate.php. If 'success' it calls boxGet.php else if not 'fail' it turns on the approperate error text and returns.

Function doBox(boxid)

The doBox function performs an AJAX call to the boxGet.php function.

Function updateBox()

Function updateBox is called by the on-click method of the update button in the thebox form. It checks the input for missing fields and then does an ajax call to boxUpdate.php.