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This page has been updated to comply with Release 1.3.x of BOARD18. | Go Back |
The board18SnapMap.js file contains all the functions that respond to various onclick events on the game board in the SnapMap page and on the main and tray menues. But note that right click events are not used on snapshot displays.
Function makeTrayItems()
The makeTrayItems function will use the BD18.trays array to construct the items to be displayed in the tray menu.
Function registerTrayMenu()
The registerTrayMenu function creates the tray menu on the board18SnapMap page. It uses the jquery context menu plugin and the makeTrayItems function.
Function makeMenus()
This makeMenus function is a stub to make board18SnapMap compatable with board18Map2.js
Function delayCheckForUpdate()
This delayCheckForUpdate function is a stub to make board18SnapMap compatable with board18Map2.js