Spreadsheet Formulas for 18xx

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Revision as of 13:19, 1 September 2017 by Rich (talk | contribs) (→‎The Top 8 Rows: initial)
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18xx PBEM games that use BOARD18 to display the game board and stock chart also require a spreadsheet to track the financials of the game. There are many such spreadsheets that have been written by many different people. This is because each 18xx game requires its own such spreadsheet. This document is a first attempt to stadardize the approach used in creating these spreadsheets. I will attempt to show how to fully automate such a spread sheet to make it both easy and intuitive to use.

I will use the formulas in the 1870_V2.0 spreadsheet at
as examples in the discussion below.

The Top 8 Rows

The top 8 rows of this spreadsheet are used to track the position of each player in the game. There is a row for each player and that row shows the player's cash position, share holdings and net worth in the game. These formulas are used to do this.

Number of Players - cell A1

This formula in cell A1 computes the number of players by looking for a blank player name:


The formula assumes that the minimum number of players is 2 and the maximum is 6.

Begin Cash - cells B3:B8


Begin Worth - cells C3:C8


Max Certs - cell AB2


Certs - cells AB3:AB8

=== Shares - cells AC3:AC8 ===

Dividends - cells AD3:AD8


End Cash - cells AF3:AF8


End Worth - cells AG3:AG8


The Rest of the Sheet

Shares in IPO - row 11


Begin Funds - row 20


Dividends - row 21


Cash Flow - row 22


End Funds - row 23


Private Income - row 32


Dividends - row 33
