Spreadsheet Formulas for 18xx
18xx PBEM games that use BOARD18 to display the game board and stock chart also require a spreadsheet to track the financials of the game. There are many such spreadsheets that have been written by many different people. This is because each 18xx game requires its own spreadsheet. This document is my first attempt to standardize the approach used in creating these spreadsheets. I will attempt to show how to fully automate such a spread sheet to make it both easy and intuitive to use.
I will use the formulas in the 1870_V2.0 spreadsheet at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_MpVuwAR7MsgXzFxccUA_ZqSHvAb39gDgbAygWx2t38 as examples in this document.
The Top 8 Rows
The top 8 rows of this spreadsheet are used to track the position of each player in the game. The first two rows contain heading information. Then there is a row for each player. That row shows the player's cash position, share holdings and net worth in the game. The formulas described below are used to do this. The first three formulas appear only once. They are in the heading rows. The rest of the formulas appear in sets of six, once in each player row. The six formulas in each set are slightly different because they refer to the values for the player described in that row. My examples use the version of each set that appears in row 3, the row for player 1.
Number of Players - cell A1
The formula in cell A1 computes the number of players by looking for a blank player name in column A:
The formula assumes that the minimum number of players is 2 and the maximum is 6.
Max Certs - cell AB2
The value in the "Max Certs" cell is looked up in the third row of the table at AF10. This table is indexed by the number of players, in cell A1.
Number of Players - cell AH1
This trivial formula merely copies the value in cell A1.
Begin Cash - cells B3:B8
The values in the "Begin Cash" cells are determined differently for the first spread sheet tab than they are determined for all subsequent tabs. Cell A14 is used to determine if this is the first tab. Cell A14 should contain the name of the previous tab for all subsequent tabs, but it is blank on the first tab. In addition the "Begin Cash" cells are always blank for all rows that have a blank player name in column A.
On the first spread sheet tab the value in all of the "Begin Cash" cells is looked up in the second row of the table at AF10. This table is indexed by the number of players which is in cell A1.
On subsequent spread sheet tabs the value in each of the "Begin Cash" cells is copied from the corresponding "End Cash" cell on the previous tab. See the note on the INDIRECT function for the details of this trick.
Begin Worth - cells C3:C8
The values in the "Begin Worth" cells are determined differently for the first spread sheet tab than they are determined for all subsequent tabs. Cell A14 is used to determine if this is the first tab. Cell A14 should contain the name of the previous tab for all subsequent tabs, but it is blank on the first tab. In addition the "Begin Worth" cells are always blank for all rows that have a blank player name in column A.
On the first spread sheet tab the value in all of the "Begin Worth" cells is looked up in the second row of the table at AF10. This table is indexed by the number of players which is in cell A1.
On subsequent spread sheet tabs the value in each of the "Begin Worth" cells is copied from the corresponding "End Worth" cell on the previous tab. See the note on the INDIRECT function for the details of this trick.
Certs - cells AB3:AB8
The values in the "Certs" cells are computed using this intimidating looking formula. The number of certificates that a player owns consists of a count of the private companies owned added to a count of the stock certificates owned. This is complicated by the fact that president certificates represent 2 shares and only shares are counted in the column for each company. This formula is better analyzed by taking it in parts.
=IF(ISERR(FIND("1",Y3)),0,1)+IF(ISERR(FIND("2",Y3)),0,1)+IF(ISERR(FIND("3",Y3)),0,1)+ IF(ISERR(FIND("4",Y3)),0,1)+IF(ISERR(FIND("6",Y3)),0,1)+IF(E$14="y",0,IF(E3="X",F3-1,F3))+ IF(G$14="y",0,IF(G3="X",H3-1,H3))+IF(I$14="y",0,IF(I3="X",J3-1,J3))+IF(K$14="y",0,IF(K3="X",L3-1,L3))+ IF(M$14="y",0,IF(M3="X",N3-1,N3))+IF(O$14="y",0,IF(O3="X",P3-1,P3))+IF(Q$14="y",0,IF(Q3="X",R3-1,R3))+ IF(S$14="y",0,IF(S3="X",T3-1,T3))+IF(U$14="y",0,IF(U3="X",V3-1,V3))+IF(W$14="y",0,IF(W3="X",X3-1,X3))
In the first half of this formula a code snippet is repeated five times, once for each private company certificate. The snippet is shown here:
See the note on the ISERR and FIND functions for the details of this snippet.
In the second half of this formula a code snippet is repeated ten times, once for each major company. The snippet is shown here:
The first IF function determines if the price of this company is in the yellow (or green or brown) area of the stock chart. If it is then these certificates are not counted here. The second IF function adjusts the count if this player is the president of the company.
The values in the "Shares" cells are computed using this less intimidating formula. The number of shares that a player owns consists of a count of the private companies owned added to a count of the stock shares owned. The first half of this formula is identical to the first half of the "Certs" formula above. The second half is merely a count of the major company shares owned.
=IF(ISERR(FIND("1",Y3)),0,1)+IF(ISERR(FIND("2",Y3)),0,1)+IF(ISERR(FIND("3",Y3)),0,1)+ IF(ISERR(FIND("4",Y3)),0,1)+IF(ISERR(FIND("6",Y3)),0,1)+F3+H3+J3+L3+N3+P3+R3+T3+V3+X3
You can see the note on the ISERR and FIND functions for more details.
Dividends - cells AD3:AD8
The "Dividends" formula is a varient of the "Shares" formula above. It accesses some different cells but the logic is the same.
=IF(ISERR(FIND("1",Z3)),0,5)+IF(ISERR(FIND("2",Z3)),0,10)+IF(ISERR(FIND("3",Z3)),0,10)+ IF(ISERR(FIND("4",Z3)),0,15)+IF(ISERR(FIND("6",Z3)),0,20)+ F3*E$24+H3*G$24+J3*I$24+L3*K$24+N3*M$24+P3*O$24+R3*Q$24+T3*S$24+V3*U$24+X3*W$24
Again, you can see the note on the ISERR and FIND functions for more details.
End Cash - cells AF3:AF8
End Worth - cells AG3:AG8
=IF(ISERR(FIND("1",Y3)),0,20)+IF(ISERR(FIND("2",Y3)),0,40)+IF(ISERR(FIND("3",Y3)),0,50)+ IF(ISERR(FIND("4",Y3)),0,80)+IF(ISERR(FIND("6",Y3)),0,160)+ AF3+F3*F$13+H3*H$13+J3*J$13+L3*L$13+N3*N$13+P3*P$13+R3*R$13+T3*T$13+V3*V$13+X3*X$13
The Rest of the Sheet
Begin Funds - row 20
Dividends - row 21
Cash Flow - row 22
End Funds - row 23
Private Income - row 32
=IF(ISERR(FIND("1",E16)),0,5)+IF(ISERR(FIND("2",E16)),0,10)+IF(ISERR(FIND("3",E16)),0,10) +IF(ISERR(FIND("4",E16)),0,15)+IF(ISERR(FIND("6",E16)),0,20)
Dividends - row 33
Tricks and Tips
Some programming tricks are used repeatedly in a lot of the above formulas. These things are documented in detail here.
The INDIRECT Function
This is one very useful trick that is used a lot in the above formulas. It is a way to refer to a cell on a different spread sheet tab. But more it is a way to dynamically control which spread sheet tab is actually used. To do this you must reserve a cell on the current spreadsheet tab to hold the name of tab that contains the referenced cell. In the example below this reserved cell is A14 and the cell on the referenced tab that is being used is cell AG3.
Note that the string "!AG3" starts and ends with quotation marks. This, of course, means that this string is a literal. As such it will not be automatically adjusted by a copy/paste action! Be careful.
The ISERR and FIND functions
This trick can be used to look for a given character in the text contained in a cell:
Taking things from the center out:
- The FIND function looks for the first value ("1") in the cell Y3. It returns an error if this value is not found.
- The ISERR function tests if an error has occured and returns TRUE or FALSE.
- The IF function returns one of two values dependin on the result returned by ISERR.