How To Create a BOARD18 WEB Site

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How to create a BOARD18 web site using Linux

These instructions assume that you already have a server environment running Apache with PHP version 5.3 or later and MySQL version 5.5 or later.

Perform these steps on your local Linux PC

  1. Extract board18/board18 repository from Gitorious.
  2. Extract board18/gamebox repository from Gitorious.
  3. Start command line.
  4. cd to BOARD18 directory.
  5. Enter on command line:
rm ~/
rm ~/
zip ~/ *.html *.php 
zip -r ~/ php scripts style
zip ~/ images/*.*
cd utility
zip ~/ *.*
  1. cd to GAMEBOX directory.
  2. Enter on command line:
cd boxes
zip -r ~/ images
zip -r ~/ control
  1. Using FTP, move the 2 zip files to your web server.

Perform these steps on your Linux web server

  1. Extract into your web root directory.
  2. Create a utility directory in your user directory (~).
  3. Extract into this new directory.
  4. cd to your web root directory.
  5. Edit the php/config.php file.
    1. Change DB_HOST only if your DB server is different from your web server.
    2. Change DB_DATABASE to the name you will give to your BOARD18 database.
    3. You can also change the database user ID and password if you want.
    4. Save the edit session.
  6. Remember the above values for use below.

Create the BOARD18 DataBase

How to create a BOARD18 web site using Windows

If you have a windows environment please modify the above Linux instructions, test them and then enter them here.

How to create a BOARD18 web site using a Mac

If you have a mac environment please modify the above Linux instructions, test them and then enter them here.

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