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board18New1.js contains all of the setup code for the board18New page and all of the functions that manipulate the right of page content that displays game boxes and players for selection.
Function BoxListResult(result)
Function BoxListResult() is the call back function for the boxGetAll.php call. It creates the BD18.boxList object. It then calls fillBoxList().
Function switchtoid()
Function switchtoid() empties the playerid list. It then hides the currently displayed list and sets BD18.sort to "ID". Finally it does an AJAX call to playerSort.php to load BD18.playerList with a list of players sorted by player login.
Function switchtofn()
Function switchtofn() empties the playerid list. It then hides the currently displayed list and sets BD18.sort to "FN". Finally it does an AJAX call to playerSort.php to load BD18.playerList with a list of players sorted by first name.
Function switchtoln()
Function switchtoln() empties the playerid list. It then hides the currently displayed list and sets BD18.sort to "LN". Finally it does an AJAX call to playerSort.php to load BD18.playerList with a list of players sorted by last name.
Function dofilter()
Function dofilter() applies the filter entered in filter1 to the game box list.
Function playerSortReturn(result)
Function playerSortReturn() is the callback function for the playerSort.php AJAX call. It creates a list of plaers sorted in the specified order and displays it 1n one of three hidden divisions. It then shows that division.
Function fillBoxList()
Function fillBoxList() creates and inserts the boxList table into the gamebox division of the page. It filters this list if BD18.filter is not zero.
Function FillInfoBox(boxid)
Function FillInfoBox() fills the infobox division with the name and version of the selected box.
Function addPlayer(player)
Function addPlayer adds a player to the newgame form.