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This page has been updated to comply with Release 2.5.x of BOARD18. Go Back

board18Map4.js contains all the functions that implement the multi token selection logic for cases where more than one token is on the same hex.

Function selectToken(event)

The selectToken function uses the BD18.hexList.tokens array to display a graphical list of the tokens on a given hex.
This list is displayed on canvas3 and the canvas3 click event is turned on.

Clicking on a token should select that token and cause canvas3 to be cleared.

Function hideTknMenu()

The hideTknMenu function resets the canvas3 token menu. This involves three actions:

  1. The menue is made transparent.
  2. The menu is moved 200 px above the browser window.
  3. The canvas3 click event is turned off.

Function delayHideTknMenu()

The delayHideTknMenu function waits 2 seconds before calling the hideTknMenu function.

Function killHideTknMenu()

The killHideTknMenu function stops any delayed calling of the hideTknMenu function.

Function doTknMenu(event)

The doTknMenu function processes a click on canvas3.
This canvas is used to select one of multiple tokens on the same hex.
The requested function is performed for the selected token.