Design Document index Page

From BOARD18 Project WIKI
Revision as of 18:42, 6 December 2013 by Rich (talk | contribs) (Added description of ID and password recovery logic)
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Design Document edit

The index.html page can be used to register a new player or [by a registered player] to Login to BOARD18.
It also can be used [by a registered player] to recover a lost login ID or a lost password.
Most of the JavaScript logic for these functions is in the scripts/board18index.js file.
The index.html page also uses the scripts/board18com.js file and some other open source JavaScript files.
Style is supplied by the style/board18Index.css and the style/board18com.css files.


Choosing the "Register" option from the main menu causes the Registration form to be displayed.
This form does some preliminary validation on the user input and then passes the validated input to php/newUser.php.
The php/newUser.php program, which is called via AJAX [$.post], is documented on the newUser.php WIKI page.


Choosing the "Log In" option from the main menu causes the Log In form to be displayed.
This form does some preliminary validation on the user input and then passes the validated input to php/validateUser.php.
The php/validateUser.php program, which is called via AJAX [$.post], is documented on the validateUser.php WIKI page.

Login ID Recovery

Clicking the "Forgot your Player ID?" button on the Log In form will bring up a login recovery form.
The player can use this form to get the php/emailPlayerID.php program to send an email containing his Player ID.
The php/emailPlayerID.php program, which is called via AJAX [$.post], is documented on the emailPlayerID.php WIKI page.

Password Recovery

Clicking the "Forgot your Password?" button on the Log In form will bring up a password recovery form.
The player can use this form to get the php/emailPassword.php program to send an email containing a new temporary password.
The php/emailPassword.php program, which is called via AJAX [$.post], is documented on the emailPassword.php WIKI page.