How to create a new BOARD18 download
Revision as of 08:33, 6 September 2013 by Rich (talk | contribs) (→Setup the Download on the Server: Initial content)
These instructions assume that you already have a board18 development environment and access to the branch for which the download is to be created.
This procedure really needs to be automated.
The command lines below assumme that a zip file for board18-0.1.0 is being created. This string should be modified to the correct release in all of the listed commands.
Perform these steps on your development PC
- Checkout the branch for the required board18 release.
- Checkout the branch for the required gamebox release.
- Open a command line window.
- cd to the BOARD18 directory.
- Enter on command line:
rm ~/ rm -r ~/board18-0.1.0 mkdir ~/board18-0.1.0 mkdir ~/board18-0.1.0/webroot mkdir ~/board18-0.1.0/webroot/images mkdir ~/board18-0.1.0/utility cp -t ~/board18-0.1.0 Documentation/README.txt cp -t ~/board18-0.1.0 Documentation/LICENSE.txt cp -t ~/board18-0.1.0 Documentation/INSTALL.txt cp -t ~/board18-0.1.0 Documentation/ReleaseNotes.txt cp -t ~/board18-0.1.0/webroot *.html *.php cp -r -t ~/board18-0.1.0/webroot php scripts style cp -t ~/board18-0.1.0/webroot/images images/*.* cp -t ~/board18-0.1.0/utility utility/* cp -t ~/board18-0.1.0/utility php/config.php
- cd to GAMEBOX directory.
- Enter on command line:
cd boxes cp -r -t ~/board18-0.1.0/webroot images cp -r -t ~/board18-0.1.0/utility control cd ~ zip -r ~/ board18-0.1.0
- Using FTP, move the new zip file to the download server.
Setup the Download on the BOARD18 WIKI
- Go to the BOARD18 WIKI.
- Upload the newly created zip file into the wiki.
- Edit the Download BOARD18 page and add the new release.